Morning Run and Coffee

What a lovely morning. I gate crashed a friends local run this morning. A great mix of cars as you can see. After a drive around the beautiful country side we all ending back at a cafe for refreshments and more petrol based chat. While we were there more cars started to arrive. It turns out there was another meeting on, so even more to look at...
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  2206 Hits
2206 Hits

Living with a Porsche 996 Turbo

Living with a 20 year old supercar. The 996 models were introduced in the late 90s, with the turbo variant being revealed in 2000. The Turbo, GT2 and GT3 cars came with a new much stronger engine then the previous models, and today it has a legendary status. Moving away from tradition, the 996 Turbo was the first Porsche on sale with water as the c...
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  5405 Hits
5405 Hits

Porsche and Tiger meet and catch up

It was good to catch up in deepest Suffolk with my old buddy Steve, and his Tiger Avon. He rescued the car from a hard life on the race track, it is now fully road legal, so we decided to meet up and have a little countryside drive. Two very different machines, one has air con, one has air, one has, well, most things, and one doesn't have much...
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  2241 Hits
2241 Hits

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